The Project
The Project for the 8th cohort of Boundless was successfully held from Apr 1 to Apr 2, 2024. Orchestrated by mentees, an array of activities centered around mental health were organized, including art workshops, board games, and a memo wall. The Project this year aims to alleviate stress among participants, foster public awareness regarding mental health, and offer strategies for enhancing mental well-being.
Throughout the meticulous planning of these activities, we believe that each mentee in the programme deepened their understanding of mental health issues and forged stronger connections with their peers! Mentees had the opportunity to present their ideas and received invaluable constructive feedback and encouragement in return . We are incredibly proud of their dedication and creativity!
Boundless於四月一日至四月二日十月舉辦了The Project,二十位學員就心靈健康的議題設計了一系列活動,包括藝術工作坊、桌上遊戲和心聲牆。今年的The Project旨在紓緩參與者的壓力,促進公眾關注心理健康議題,並提供了改善心理健康的方法。